Terms & Conditions
1. Scope
2. Product Orders
Orders may be placed in English or in any country’s official language ( if applicable ) via the AIXNOD Sales Assistant , Monday to Friday. AIXNOD reserves the right of considering the acceptance of an official Pro – Forma invoice as being the document that confirms the customer’s item selection , including all finishes specified for each item listed . AIXNOD reserves the right of setting the valid period and the price of a custom – made item official quote accordingly. Although AIXNOD takes all appropriate measures to ensure the photographs and other relevant information on the site faithfully represent the original products, including technological means to reduce inaccuracies as much as possible, certain variations are possible due to the nature of the product, and materials, as well as the manual production methods required. In consequence, AIXNOD does not fully.
Guarantee a perfectly clear identity of final products in comparison to their graphic representation shown on the website or official marketing material,or identical finishes in two or more pieces manufactured in separate orders – with respect to colouring, and precision detailing of wood carving, ceramics, foundry and other metalwork, for the technical reasons listed above; if the Customer need to modify a requested article, its finish or quantity, or correct any errors in the order, specified in the official Pro-Forma invoice, following its corresponding order placement, he/she should follow the instructions suggested by the sales representative. AIXNOD reserves the right to charge for any alterations made to the order, 6 working days aer its payment confirmation is received; An official signature is required for all technical drawings /schemes associated to any personalized/custom made product